Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Humanism Leonardo Da Vinci And The Renaissance - 1459 Words

Humanism is the belief that man has dignity and worth, therefore, the life on Earth should be cherished rather than just simply endured. This philosophy or intellectual movement initiated the Renaissance. During the middle ages, elements of daily life were strictly structured around the church and religion. However, toward the beginning of the 14th century, the power of the Church began to significantly decline. This was sparked by the Bubonic plague. The plague was viewed as a punishment from God, the people often turned to the Church for help, but the priests and church leaders could not give an explanation or a cure it. The hysteria and panic could not be stopped, creating a decline in the power and influence of the Catholic Church.†¦show more content†¦His skills and experience helped him be the perfect teacher for Da Vinci. Leonardo became a qualified for membership as a master artist in Florence’s Guild of Saint Luke and established his own workshop at the age o f twenty, which was very prestigious. However, he continued to collaborate with his teacher for an additional five years. While working under Verrocchio, Leonardos contributed to Verrocchios Baptism of Christ. In the painting, Leonardos involvement is visible in the â€Å" relaxed posture of the angel (far left), whose face is defined by a gentle modeling and whose eyes reveal a sense of emotional vitality† (Leonardo da Vinci., Encyclopedia, 1) and landscape depicted with a â€Å" water framed by rocky precipices and bathed in a misty atmosphere† (â€Å"Leonardo da Vinci†, Encyclopedia 1) revealing his sincere love of nature. According to Giorgio Vasari, one of Leonardo Da Vinci’s first biographers, Verrocchio thought he should â€Å"never touching colors again, [was] angry that a boy should know more than he† (Vasari, 1). When Giovan Galeazzo, Duke of Milan, was dead, and Lodovico Sforza became duke in the year 1494, Ludovico Sforza gave assignments to Leonardo and supported him financially. His early assignments were to â€Å"execute pageants, plan the completion of the cathedral, plan irrigation projects, and design a statue of Sforza† (Da Vinci Paints, 1) While in Milan, he painted his first â€Å"masterpiece†,Show MoreRelatedLeonardo Da Vinci : The Renaissance951 Words   |  4 PagesThe Renaissance was a rebirth of creativity, freedom, individuality, independence and self- determination. During this time period where humanism was encouraged, there were countless Renaissance men. One astounding and well recognized man was Leonardo da Vinci, he had many aptitudes and talents that portrayed him to be an astonishing artist of the Renaissance time period. Leonardo da Vinci, Influenced many during the Renaissance, due to his great art, anatomy, science literature. 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